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League Rules

Rules and By-Laws for the DMV Area Licensee

Disclosure: All decisions and processes outlined below are subject to change at any time by discretion of the League Operator.


The explicit policies in the following local by-laws supplant duplicate policies or in absence thereof, default to the policies and rules in the USAPL Official Player's Handbook.

League Policies

Registration & Sign-Ups
Sessions & Schedules
Fees & Paymets
Anchor 1
Team & Divisions

DMV-USAPL Local League Policies & ByLaws


Disclosure: All decisions and processes outlined below are subject to change at any time by discretion of the League Operators.


The explicit policies in the following local by-laws supplant duplicate policies or in absence thereof, default to the policies and rules in the USAPL Official Player's Handbook.

Any deviation from these Policies & ByLaws at the division level must be discussed with and approved by the League Operator prior to being instituted.


DMV Pool LLC, the League Operator of USAPL in DC, MD, VA, provides a fair and fun pool league for all amateur players.  We use the Fargo Rating System to create fair matches between Amateur Pool Players.  Establish and grow your rating to see how you compare to other players all over the world.


Our goal is to send the maximum number of local Teams and Players to the incredible National Event held in Las Vegas, NV every year to compete in the USAPL National Championship Tournament.  Prize funds are held in escrow, transparent, and guaranteed.  We hope to grow with you and deliver a well-run, transparent, competitive, fair, and fun pool league.


Watch Professionals from all around the world compete in the Predator World Championship run alongside the USA Pool League National Championships!  It's all under the same great event organized by Cue Sports International.



Contacts and Resources

League Operators:  

Shanna Lewis - Cell (321) 604-1192

Prasad Jayaraman - Cell (785) 218-4643

Chris Mitchell - Cell (571) 214-0432



Local League Operator:

Submit Rosters:

FargoRate Support:  



DMV - USAPL League Operator website:

USAPL National website:

USAPL Race Calculator: 

League Management System (LMS):

     – click VA

     – click DMV Pool USAPL League

     – click on the current year



New teams and individuals can sign up via our website or by emailing or by sending rosters to


Existing teams have priority to re-register until 2-weeks before the end of a session.  Teams on the waiting list will replace any available team slots.  


Cut-off for roster changes is after the 4th week of a Session's schedule. Special exceptions may be made for new/developing divisions. 


Email any roster changes to or





There will be 3 sessions per calendar year. Winter - Summer - Fall


Winter Session (16 weeks): Begins 1st week of January, ends Mid-April. 


Summer Session (16 weeks): Begins approximately the 3rd week of April, ends mid-August. 


Fall Session (16 weeks): Begins approximately the 3rd week of August and ends in early December. ​


No scheduled play on Thanksgiving Day. Playoffs will be scheduled in December.


Play, Pre-plays or make-up matches may be required for the following Holidays: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Juneteenth, Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Mothers/Fathers Days.​





All Teams have rosters of up to 8-players and require 5-sets per scheduled match. 


Team handicap limits for USAPL’s Gold Tier is 2375. Team handicap limits for USAPL’s Platinum Tier is 2750. Teams will incur 1-penalty point per Fargo handicap over the Tier Fargo limit in a scheduled match.


All game formats will be played in the Short-Race format using the USAPL's Race-To-Calculator.  Exceptions can be made only with the approval of the league operators.


The minimum division size is 4-teams - The maximum size is 16-teams.





There are NO annual membership fees.


The Standard Weekly Team Fee per scheduled match is $65.  Your Division Rep may accept cash and/or digital payment.


The full amount of $65 is due every week regardless of scheduled make-up matches or forfeits.


Team Captains are responsible for making payments to their division's Rep. in a timely manner. Scores must be submitted by 2AM. 


If a team fails to pay the full $65 the day of a match, they will forfeit bonus points for their team.  If a team fails to pay before their next scheduled match, they will be suspended from play and their matches will be forfeited until all payments are current.  No make-up matches will be permitted in this case.


In the event of league cancellation due to uncontrollable circumstances or acts of God, those payments are due the next scheduled league play.


Exactly $40 of the $65 match fees enter the League's Player Prize Funds and are securely deposited into the National Escrow Account until awarding prizes.




Division Reps play an essential role in the league and are the backbone of a well run league operation. Division Reps who fulfill their role for a minimum of 2 consecutive sessions per year are awarded travel assistance to the Las Vegas National Event. A separate Division Rep guide provides more details on their responsibilities.


The division must have a minimum of 6 teams, and a 5 player roster and have fulfilled all Division Rep duties. Travel assistance is awarded to Division Reps so they can go to the USAPL National event and support their qualifying teams. If the Division Rep cannot attend Nationals, the travel assistance fund will be minimized to $300 and the remaining funds will be rolled over to the league prize fund.


Weekly league fee collection payments are due to the League's Operator within 3-days of a division's scheduled match*.  If full payments are not submitted by the league’s next scheduled match, that division's league will be suspended from play. Furthermore, the Division Rep will be relieved of their role and restricted from participating in USAPL.  In this event, a new division Rep will be assigned and league play will resume. Make-up matches will be permitted in this case.


*NOTE: Bonus Points are awarded when payments are made to the league operator within 24 Hours​


Division Reps are fully responsible for the league funds in their possession regardless of circumstances.





Individual set forfeits during the regular season are worth 125 points and a full-match forfeit is worth 600 points.





To avoid forfeits, one team member may play twice (2-sets) in a team match.  In this event, the opposing team must be notified prior to the start of a match and have the choice of selecting which player double-plays, although, they shall avoid selecting a player which forces the double-play team over the 2375 team limit (unless both teams agree otherwise).  A double-player receives only one credit towards USAPL Nationals eligibility.  A double-player receives only 1 set's worth of MVP points.  NO double-plays are permitted in the final 4 weeks of a session's schedule unless expressly approved by a league operator.





Entire makeup matches may be scheduled per weekly league play for an official holiday listed above in the Sessions & Schedules Policy or due to inclement weather and must be completed in 2 weeks before matches are forfeited.


Only 1 makeup set can be scheduled per league match and must be completed in 2 weeks before matches are forfeited.  No makeup sets can be scheduled after the 6th week of a session. Flexibility will be provided to teams/players participating in CSI regional and national events.


​If a team has players available to play sets, those players must play.  If a team has 5 players present, there is no option of a makeup match.  If the 5th player exceeds the 2375 cap for the team, the team will have the choice of double playing a player or accepting the forfeit.  (An exception to the double play notification rule will be allowed.)





Pre-play sets and matches are permitted up to 2-weeks in advance.  The opposing team shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate. 





Roster changes are allowed in the first 4-weeks of a session without special approval by the League Operator.  All Roster changes must be submitted via email to or


A new team filling a bye spot is able to join in the first 4 weeks of a new session and will have 4 weeks to make up for missed matches.


If your entire team is a "no-show" on a scheduled league night without advanced notice, your team will be removed from the division and your team/players banned from participating in USAPL unless the entire team's session league fees are paid in full.





In the event a team or teams have an unequal number of matches in a session, that team's cumulative end of session score will be averaged and that average will be added for any missing weeks.





Submit your scores on time

100 points awarded:  Properly submitting score on time. 


Both teams of a match are required to submit a scoresheet by the end of the scheduled night of play (by 2AM). It is up to the teams to verify matching scores before submitting.  Improperly submitted scoresheets will result in 0 bonus points.  Disputed scores can request a review from the League Operators. No matches can be disputed more than 2 weeks after it is completed. In the event a dispute cannot be resolved, the league operator will make the final decision.  


Payment on time

100 points awarded:  Team fees ($65) paid night of play AND Division Rep submits payment, within 24 hours.  Only 50 points will be awarded if the Division Rep submits full payment after 24 hours, but within 48 hours.


Team payments of $65 are due every regularly scheduled match regardless of makeup sets or matches.   It is the equal responsibility of a team and division Rep to ensure payments are made and collected, respectively. 


Submit your rosters on time (once per session)

100 Points awarded:  If your team roster for the following session is submitted 2 weeks to the end of the current season in play.





This section describes rule clarifications for DMV USAPL. 


1. Replacement of Moved Ball


A ball which was accidentally moved in a game, must be replaced to its closest original location in good faith and must be mutually agreed upon by both players.  In the event a mutual agreement by players cannot be reached, the division rep will have the authority to replace the ball closest to its original location as he deems upon investigation.  Please be aware, this is a local rule and the default rules will apply outside of our local leagues.


2. 10-Scoring: Incidental Balls​


When a player legally pockets the lowest-numbered ball in the intended pocket and, on the same shot, pockets a different ball (an “incidental ball”), the player gets credit for all balls pocketed. The “incidental ball” is not considered a dead ball. The 10 Ball is never an “incidental ball”. Any time the 10 Ball is pocketed on a shot where it is not called, the 10-Ball is spotted. 





USAPL strives to make our league fair and fun for everyone.  This includes promoting and fostering an environment in which sportsmanship and sport etiquette are of top priority.  We ask that all Division Reps, Captains, and experienced players help educate new players on proper pool etiquette.  ​


USAPL expects regular league nights to run smoothly and maintain continuous play from one set to the next. Matches should start within 15 minutes of the planned start time of the league night. Teams should aim to put up players in subsequent sets within 2 minutes of the end of each match.


Disagreements between players and teams can occur over the course of regular league play. We expect players and teams to conduct themselves professionally in these circumstances and avoid disrupting other teams and delaying continuous play. If a disagreement cannot be resolved between players and/or teams, players should consult the division rep. If disagreements or a lack of sportsmanship disrupt smooth league play the division rep can enforce the following penalties:


First offense: Warning

Second offense: Ball in hand to the opponent

Third offense: Loss of game

Fourth offense: Forfeit the set


These penalties could be accompanied by a loss of bonus points if no active set is in play at the time of the offense.


Any team found intentionally manipulating the final standings (e.g. sandbagging, incorrect scoring, dumping to opponents, excessive forfeits) risks facing penalties that could include removal from playoffs up to a temporary or permanent ban from USAPL. 





The USAPL Nationals is an annual event held in late February to early March at the RIO Casino Resort in Las Vegas, NV.


This event includes both Team and Single player tournaments in 8 ball, 9 ball, and 10-ball formats.





1. A player must play a minimum of 8-matches in any single session in a single division with the same team that qualified for USAPL Nationals and Division Playoffs. Players must also be active on any roster in the next session. 


2. Stay on an active roster the following year during Nationals with 2-matches played.


For additional USAPL Nationals Team/Player Eligibility requirements, please see pages 14-15 in the Official USAPL Player's Handbook.





League Player Prize Funds are compartmentalized per division, in other words, each division's league fees are awarded back to the same division in prizes post Rep fees, trophies, merit awards, etc.


Your division's prize fund depends on the size of your division during the 3 sessions in a calendar year.​


Prizes :

Sponsored National Team: $6,625 - max $6,000 travel funds and $625 for entry fee (Las Vegas)


Sponsored National Player (Singles): $900.00 - $750 travel funds and $150 for entry fee (Las Vegas)


Sponsored National Team Prizes are awarded in order of priority in denominations of $6,625.00 until this denomination cannot be met. Next, Sponsored National Player (Singles) Prizes are awarded in denominations of $900.00 until this denomination cannot be met. Any remaining money will be used to subsidize additional team and singles prizes when possible. Over 95% of player prize funds will be distributed to the division in which it was collected. 


All prize fund checks will be distributed when the winning team submits their roster to


For teams and MVPs electing to not attend the national/regional event, half of the travel funds will be disbursed to team members. The other half of travel funds will be returned to the player prize fund for that division. This may result in additional playoff teams and/or singles being sent from that division to national events. 




(in order of priority)




In the 3 sessions per calendar year, we add your team's session scores throughout the year to come up with an end-of-year ranking system for your division.  Participation in the Summer and Fall session is REQUIRED to be eligible.  If your team participates in the Winter session, we will drop the lower session's score between Winter and Summer to combine with the Fall Session for final rankings.  




When a division's prize fund affords multiple Sponsored Team Prizes, one team prize will be reserved for a single elimination playoff for teams who did not win through our session rankings.


Eligibility for Division Playoffs: Must play a minimum of 8-matches in any single session in the division and play a minimum of 4 matches in the fall session.


​Playoff seedings will be determined by overall standing for the year.




​Sponsored National Player Prizes (singles) will be awarded in the following manner:

  • The Top Ranked Divisional MVP in each session is calculated by taking MVP Points earned and dividing by the number of weeks played during the session. 


  • The Top Ranked Divisional MVP from the winter, summer and fall sessions will playoff to determine the overall Division MVP.  The player with the highest MVP point average will receive the first-round bye.


  • Must play at least 8 weeks in the session in which they were the top ranked MVP to qualify, and must remain active within that division.


  • If a player wins MVP in multiple sessions, the next-highest in the MVP standings from the other sessions will be selected for the playoff.


  • Number of Singles Prizes awarded depends on prize fund availability after Team Prizes are awarded. Not all divisions will have funding availability for MVP prizes.





Any Team or Player who is eligible, may fund their own travel and tournament entry to compete at the National Event.  Please contact your division Rep or League Operator for more information.


Find more information at under the events tab for the year.




Any Team or Player who is eligible, may fund their own travel and tournament entry to compete at any Regional Event.  Please contact your division Rep or League Operator for more information.


Find more information at under the events tab for the year.

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